Mar 20, 2010 13:02
This is really difficult for me to talk about and I really don’t want to make this tl;dr but I’m going to bite the bullet (slightly) enough to mention this at least.
I’ve been having an increasing amount of difficulty keeping up with everything and regularly commenting for people, which I think is becoming more apparent now. The reasons for this is mostly lack of free time (being consumed trying to deal with offline matters) however that’s not entirely the case. There are also things that have been weighing on me heavily, and in turn, contributes to me being increasingly distant and behind (on commenting). It’s difficult for me to talk about not because of pride, but because I feel like I’m admitting defeat on something I set out to do 6 years ago and I didn’t want the idealism and good of what I tried to do to die.
I’m not sure if I’m ready to talk about it (if at all) but I did want to make it clear that I’m not intentionally blowing anyone off or not talking/commenting to anyone on purpose - it’s just momentary, bad circumstance. I will however being spending tomorrow catching up as best as I can. In the event anyone noticed or wondered, I do apologize for not being around much.