Some while back I wrote a post asking why there are
so many more women than men in veterinary medicine. Recently, that post received a comment from Anne Lincoln, whose research into exactly that subject has just been published. Her
findings are summarized at Eurekalert. You should read that summary, but in short:
Women now dominate the field of
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Like in math, I used to have only male students, but when I discovered that every time someone balks at something you're trying to show them, it's for an *intelligent* reason, something that can be formed as a *valid* objection, within a couple years all my students were women. (The downside, and what women can fix next, was that I was the one pointing this out to them, articulating their most internal mind in a way they couldn't (didn't), so that all the soul-eating insecurities came out.)
Almost all of the difficulties of math fall neatly under the Hindu picture of Maya--dualistic strategies that lead you back to non-dualism from the sheer pain of their failure--like the nose-bleeds from unit conversions or coordinate changes--'wait, does the number get bigger or smaller???'--or even just having to count to see if 'July 4-8' is four days or five. It's a humbling of pride, the man who conquers the world with dualistic thinking breaking his skull on it.
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