Travelling to places unknown

Apr 10, 2018 19:08

There was some discussion at work today about holidays and where people were going. I've not given it much thought at all this year; although I would rather like to go somewhere, I have no idea where! It's difficult, there's so many places I would like to visit but they're not possible at the moment. As it is, I will have to stay within the UK for the moment. I would like to go somewhere that I haven't been before and there's got to be plenty of those. Any suggestions of places with lots of interesting things to do would be gratefully received!

But where would you lot like to go if you were able to go anywhere at all? If money was no object, I think I would rather like to go to Canada. Or Switzerland. Or Florence and Venice. Or Iceland. Maybe New Zealand...

nathaniel's world tour, getting to know you...

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