Camp NaNo Novel: Part 1

Apr 16, 2017 15:37

For those of you who may be interested, I've put the first part of my Camp NaNo novel on my writing journal. I've not written as much as I'd hoped because the story was not going the way I wanted it to so I had to rewrite a bit. That was disappointing but at least it's back on track now.

Title: Deus Ex Magicis
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Rating: 15/R
Word Count: 1719
Author's Notes: This is a very rough first draft, it's exactly as it came out of my head with no alterations, amendments or beta'ing at all. Names may not be the final choice so please bear that in mind. Feedback on the main plot idea is welcome though. The title is just a working title until I come up with a better one!
Summary: Set in an alternate near future where people undergo assessment in their 21st year. Those who are selected are fitted with cybernetic prosthetic limbs which enable them to do magic. These magicians are then used for military and police provision. Rowan is a newly selected recruit and is incredibly unaware as to what his service has in store.

( Part 1 of ?? )

nanowrimo, writing

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