Apr 14, 2017 14:28
Four day weekend woohoo! Though I believe some poor countries only get three days which is terrible.
The weather here is typical for a Bank Holiday: cold, wet and miserable but I wasn't intending on going out in it anyway. I am going to be gaming and hopefully finishing off Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I am also hoping to get lots of writing done for Camp NanoWriMo and maybe plenty of reading too. I've not yet decided if I'm going to watch the new series of Doctor Who though. I still haven't seen the last one. Oh, there's the last episode of Broadchurch on Monday too. I can't believe that's finishing, it doesn't seem like ten minutes since it started. I still have no definite idea who I think did it, it could be anyone!
So, what are you lot up to? Any exciting plans?
on't telly,
doctor who,
geeking about games