
Aug 17, 2015 20:50

A while ago, my sister got me one of those plastic folding boards for folding clothing - like what Sheldon uses on the The Big Bang Theory. I hadn't really used it up until recently. I had a huge pile of t-shirts to iron last week and another large pile this morning so I used it both times. Although it did make it take a bit longer, it was kind of worth it because all my t-shirts came out the same size. I have a lot of t-shirts - two drawers worth actually, one drawer holds my decent shirts and the other holds the ones that are only fit for knocking around the house in. They take up a lot of room and I'd recently switched to stacking them in my drawer, rather than laying them flat because that's supposed to help them take up less space. It hadn't really worked out that way though, not to mention all my t-shirts had got horrendously creased. Good job I'd only tried it with my old tatty ones first!

With using the folding thing, I noticed that if I folded them in half once more, they were the exact height as my drawer and they fitted in much better! The only problem then was that some of my t-shirts were folded that way and the rest weren't. So this afternoon, I went through both drawers, folding all the t-shirts with the folding thing and then stacking them up.

This is what my decent t-shirt drawer looked like before:

It's kind of hard to tell from the angle but it is full right to the top and they're pretty well crammed in there.

And this is what it looked like after they had been refolded and stacked:

Look at all that space! There's even a gap now on the right-hand side! They're not crammed in at all so they won't get all badly creased like they had been doing. There's even room now for more t-shirts! Which is amazing, considering there's 32 t-shirts in that drawer already. And they're all organised by colour as I'm sure you can tell. I am far too pleased by this :)

photies, i don't think i have a tag for this, apple

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