Poll: The Administration Determination

Apr 30, 2015 14:33

This time next week there will be great excitement in the UK as the country goes to the polls to vote for the new government in the General Election. Well, maybe great excitement is a bit of an exaggeration. More like lukewarm apathy. If the latest BBC Poll is any indication, it's going to be a close one. The current results there are:
Conservatives 34%
Labour 33%
UKIP 14%
LibDems 8%
Greens 6%
Other 5%
I just really really hope that UKIP don't get in anywhere at all but it's scary how fast their popularity has risen. It seems that the majority of the general public aren't really sure who to vote for this time. I think I know who I'm going to vote for although I still have a little niggling indecision. But what about you lot, eh? I feel a poll coming on...

Poll The Administration Determination

* I hate to lump all the Northern Ireland parties together but there's so many of them! I don't think I have any NI voters reading this but if there are, I do apologise.

poll, current events and newsy stuff

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