Yay and Nay

Apr 28, 2015 19:34

Today in bullet points:

  • Yay - Went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron this afternoon, was v good

  • Boo - Did not like Quicksilver as much in that film as in X-Men: Days of Future Past, timing not in the Avengers favour there really

  • Boo - Stayed alllll the way after the credits to see.... nothing. 'The Avengers will return' is hardly a surprise Marvel, seeing as you've told us the schedule of all forthcoming films for the next 5 years. FYI, the bonus scene is before the main mass of credits, don't wait to the very end like I did!

  • Yay - Had 2 very generous scoops of ice cream - Baked Alaska and Peanut Butter Cup, the latter came with a HUGE piece of peanut butter cup too, yumyumyum

  • Boo - Managed to trap finger in door. Hence bullet points and v short post. I feel like a complete numpty *sigh*
Today has had far too much boo and not enough yay.

being ill, films

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