NaNoWriMo 2014

Nov 01, 2014 19:59

And so it begins!

My NaNo novel is called The Dreamstone which some of you may recognise as something I've attempted writing before. The synopsis is as follows:
They always say 'Be careful what you wish for, it may come true', but sometimes it's completely out of your control...
When a young woman acquires an old necklace, she discovers that its history isn't quite the legend she thought it was. Her life turns a sudden corner and finally everything starts to get better but how long will it last?

If any of you are interested in reading the completed novel, then let me know and I'll see about sending out a .pdf or something when it's all done. And don't forget you can show your support over the next month by sponsoring me here.

NaNo have very nicely made up these little widgets to display how well I'm doing. The 50,000 total divides up into 1,667 words a day which certainly makes it a lot more manageable.

This first widget shows my total word count, the overall percentage I've completed and how many days there are left. The second one shows my overall progress for the whole month and how I did on any given day. Light green and red show where I was above or below the goal for the day, while bold green and red are used when I did exceptionally well or monumentally badly.


I might update this post with my daily totals just for my own records. Yay NaNo! I may be a little quiet over the next month but I'm hoping not to miss too much.

nanowrimo, writing

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