Give me your name! And your money... but mostly your name

Oct 29, 2014 15:02

NaNo starts on Saturday and I don't have any character names yet!! Apart from the main half dozen or so characters, there's various secondary characters that appear later on who all need names yet. So I was thinking...

This year, NaNoWriMo is teaching 400,000 writers, 80,000 students and educators and 700+ community leaders that their imaginations can fuel boundless change. It's an amazing force of writers who are making a very real difference in classrooms and neighbourhoods around the world. By supporting NaNoWriMo, you are helping to teach writers that every voice truly matters, students that they're capable of so much more than they think they are, and people that they can build wonder into their everyday communities.

Even if you can't take part in NaNo, you can still support it by sponsoring me. That money then goes towards NaNoWriMo, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation providing free creative writing programs to more than 2,500 classrooms, 206 international regions, and 650 community centres worldwide. If you click here then you can sponsor me and we can both make a difference through the power of writing and books.

How does this tie in with my need for names, I hear to ask? Simple. Anyone who sponsors me will be thanked by having their preferred name used for one of the various secondary characters in my NaNo novel. You could be a police officer, a member of staff, or even a friend of the main character! And if that's not worth bragging rights, then I don't know what is! You'd also have my appreciation and the appreciation of all the people that the programme helps but most importantly, you can be a character in my novel!!*

What are you waiting for? Click here and help to make a difference :)

I have at least managed to name my main character thanks to my mother. She happened to mention the date earlier on which made me exclaim that my characters needed names, she asked which ones. I told her that even my main character was nameless and she immediately said, "Okay, Tilly... Harbottle... Arbuckle. Tilly Arbuckle. Anyone else?" Next on the list were the parents of the main character, whom my mother proceeded to christen Albert, known as 'Bert', and Nancy. I appreciated the gesture, although I think those names were a bit older than what I was envisioning. Tilly Harbottle actually works though. Tilly is from Mathilde which means 'strength in battle' and Harbottle refers to an occupation, people who were hired by royalty and other such people to fight battles and wars. So I'm keeping that name as it fits in quite nicely, and I've renamed her parents Harry (meaning 'home ruler') and Gwyneth (meaning 'white, fair, blessed') which I picked solely because I liked it and it went well with Harry. If only finding other character names were as easy!

You don't have to provide your name for my novel if you'd rather not. It's just a fun thing that I thought might get people sponsoring me.

nanowrimo, writing

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