Money, that's what I want

May 20, 2013 10:40

In M's class last week, she made some phone calls for quotes on getting the banners printed. The cheapest one she found was £21+VAT (£25.20) which is about £5.20 more than I really would have liked but a hell of a lot better than £40.

However, I still need to find £35 in order to get my book printed. I'd considered selling prints of my illustrations through deviantArt but that could take forEVER. I suppose the best thing is something fairly cheap that I can sell lots of. I'd made myself a wallpaper using my Tenth Doctor illustration and the page background from my book layout so that seems ideal.

So just out of interest, would any of you be interested in purchasing such a thing? I can do any Doctor with either the appropriate logo or the new retro anniversary logo. How much would you be willing to pay?

doctor who, fmp omg, in which nathaniel is arty, money making schemes

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