
Jun 23, 2012 19:41

As some of you may have heard, we got quite a bit of rain yesterday in the North West. About 100mm of rain fell, which is approximately one month's worth of rain in 24 hours. A river close by burst its banks and both people and livestock had to be evacuated at a very early hour this morning. Thankfully it didn't reach where I live so I was okay.

It hasn't rained today so far although more rain is forecast overnight from about 9pm. Hopefully that won't cause many additional problems.

As an indicator of how much rain actually fell yesterday, this bucket was left outside. It was completely empty Thursday night.

You can just about see that the water level is around the 5 litres mark. That is a lot of water in one day.

photies, current events and newsy stuff, stereotypical english post about weather

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