The Doctor's Wife

May 14, 2011 19:40

Just finished watching The Doctor's Wife. I have to say, I loved it. It was very obviously Neil Gaiman, really dark and creepy and everything that he does so well. I'm sure there are going to be some complaints about how scary this show is getting - this series so far seems to be so much darker than the previous recent ones, and each episode of this has been darker than the one before. Or is it me?

Either way, can we have more Gaiman episodes, please? Even if it was so very obvious who the wife was and who Idris was before the credits even went up. I will admit, it did play to one of my very favourite pairings, to the point that I have to wonder if Mr Gaiman got some inspiration from my fic, Musings: here on Teaspoon and here on LJ. And if you've not read it, then you should *nods firmly*

doctor who

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