Chanuka Sameach!

Dec 11, 2009 22:00

Everyone at work has been constantly mentioning Christmas like mad for the past week, ever since the tree went up by the front door. Directly in front of my desk, by the way. Of course, it doesn't help that there was the Christmas party last night so they were getting all geared up for that too. Now they've had the party, they still have another two weeks to wait before the main event. As I am of the Jewish faith, I get to start my celebrations now. And won't I be rubbing that in as best I can next week? *evil grin* Ahem.

Last night I got out my menorah and the box of candles all ready to be lit when I got home. However, disaster! The box of candles is only half full! Or, in this case, half empty! I could have sworn it was a full box, but no, it only has enough candles in for the first 5 nights. This is Not Good. I've had to improvise and use regular candles instead so I have two of those burning right now. They're not made to last an hour though, and you're not really supposed to blow Chanuka candles out so I might have to set up a draught or something cunning. I can't get hold of proper Chanuka candles round here, I've usually bought them online but I don't know if they would arrive in time. I'm sure there'd be somewhere to buy them in Manchester and I am going down tomorrow but I don't know where would sell them. Plus, of course, any Orthodox Jewish shops will be shut being a Saturday and all. Oh well, if all else fails, I will have to use tealights for the first few days and then use the proper candles for the last two nights. And write a big note in my diary well in advance of Chanuka next year to buy two boxes of candles!

My sister came round on Wednesday night to drop off my Chanuka presents. They're all very nicely wrapped indeed. I've been dying to open tonight's for the past few hours but I wanted to take a picture of it first and the battery in my camera was completely flat. I've had to charge it first which is why this post is rather delayed! However, it's now all charged up so now I can take photos and open the first present! *does so* It's so tiny and small! *eagerly opens it and manages not to tear the paper so it can be reused next year* Awww!! It's a little Beetle car! Well, not a real one obviously, it's made out of wood and painted in excrutiating detail. And it's blue too, just like my Beetle that I love so very very much. Yay! What a lovely first present. And I have seven more to look forward to!

Anyway, happy Chanuka to all who are celebrating and here's to 8 crazy nights.

jewish, i like presents :), apple

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