Wanted: guinea pigs

Apr 22, 2009 10:23

My work is making up a coming out guide for LGBT youth and I've been asked to write the Trans part of it. Obviously, I have spoken to several people about coming out over the past few years so I've got some idea of what to put. However, I thought it would be an idea to ask for input from other Transpeople in case you have ideas that I wouldn't have thought of.

So, what advice/information/whatever would you have found helpful in a coming guide? Is there a particular statement or resource or piece of information that you wish someone had told you then?

Also, I'm after a couple of peoples to be case studies. I just need a few sentences about your coming out experience, so if you're happy to do that for me, let me know either in a comment or an e-mail. It can be credited to either your name, your initial or just your identity - I'd prefer UK based people if at all possible, but if I can't get that, I'll take anyone!

Ta muchly!

i get paid for this?!, little trans activist me

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