Facebook 'friends'

Feb 13, 2009 20:06

I've been looking at the people who have friended me on Facebook and the vast majority of them I know through LJ which is nice. However, I also get added a lot by other Trans people who seem to just add me because a) I'm Trans and b) we have lots of Trans friends in common. Now, that's fair enough but what really annoys me is when that's the only contact I get from them. I don't get any messages or comments of any kind so I end up knowing nothing further about them than I did initially which makes me wonder why they wanted to add me in the first place.

It seems like these people are the kind who just like to have lots of people added so they look popular; it's all just a numbers game to them. I like to have some kind of contact with the people I have on there, I don't see the point of it otherwise. Is it just me? Or is it really just about having lots of people friended and nothing more?

I know that Facebook is not like LJ in that it's not a blog, but it's still a social networking site with ways to communicate. Maybe I should start removing people I don't know if they don't make any effort to get in touch or anything.

i don't think i have a tag for this

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