
Nov 03, 2008 17:15

I have a new LJ layout! It's very cool, but it's going to take some getting used to. I have a new moodtheme too, which I can't stop watching. Makes it a bit hard to post really.

Oh, and I schlepped off to GameStation today with my PS2 all boxed up to see what the problem was. Amusingly, despite the fact that there were two other members of staff behind the counter, it was the same dark-haired lad who served me when I had the problem with the controller, and when I got the games on Saturday. According to the receipt, his name is some form of Charles or Charlie maybe. I said that I'd already brought the system back once because it had a broken controller and then he seemed to remember me - I hope that was a good thing! He said that seeing as I had a nice new controller last time, he'd just swap the actual console and went off to find me a better one. When he came back, he said he'd figured out what was wrong with it. Something inside the disc tray had come loose - it might have been the disc reader thingy (yes, that's the technical term) and so it wasn't reading the discs. The replacement console seems to be much better than the previous one I had. It's got hardly any scratches or marks on the unit at all, so it looks like it's either quite new or not been played with that much.

As annoying as it is to have to keep taking my PS2 back to GameStation, I do seem to be ending up with a better system than I started with! When I got it, it had a new-still-in-the-package cable to connect the console to the TV. Then the controller was totally buggered so that got replaced with a brand new one. And now a better console! So yay! I hurried off home with my new pre-owned console and spent several hours testing it out by playing Lego Star Wars which was what I'd been playing yesterday when it decided it had had enough.

New layout and new-ish PS2. Good stuffs.

i have an new lj layout!, technology and other geekery

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