T and top surgery musings

Jun 02, 2007 20:25

To my surprise, I got a letter from my GP this morning. It said:
"Further to our consultation on 30/5/2007 I am writing to inform you that Dr Seal has recommended that the frequency of your Sustanon injections be increased to every 2 weeks. This would make your next injection due on or around 5/6/2007 and you may wish to make a new appointment with the nurse to have this procedure carried out."
That was even more of a surprise! I was expecting to have to wait until my next appointment with Dr Seal before I got the go-ahead to change to every fortnight. Unfortunately, the nurses get booked up really quickly, so I doubt I'll be able to change my appointment from June 12th to the 5th which is a bit annoying. The letter also said that I have to have more blood tests after my fourth fortnightly shot, presumably to make sure that things are okay. Hopefully, things should start picking up from here, by which I mean an end to the monthly hell - or bi-monthly as it is now - and the mood swings. I didn't realise I was having them at first but when I became aware of it, I was kind of embarrassed about it. It's not a nice feeling at all, it's kind of like having no control over your emotions and I don't like losing control at all. I'm not looking forward to having to go to the surgery every two weeks for my shot though, but these things we have to do. I'm also a little concerned at what it's going to do to my peak level. It was already at maximum when I was having my shot every three weeks so it seems to me that on this dosage, it's going to go sky high. I'll just have to wait and see.

In other news, it's so hot! And it's got hot all of a sudden. The beginning of this week, it was 11C and I was so freezing cold, I had to put on a long sleeved t-shirt. Now it's in the 20s, I'm stifling hot even with my window open and the ceiling fan on. I've got shorts and a t-shirt on, but I'm not sure how long the t-shirt is going to last. This is my second summer since having top surgery, although last year I was only a few months post-op so I don't think I got to enjoy it as much because I was still sore and recovering. This year it should be an awful lot better, but I'm still not 100% comfortable about going shirtless in public. I'm sure that's something that will ease as time goes on. There are still times when I'm pulling a shirt on or something and I realise how amazing it is. I hope that feeling never goes away, I waited a long time for it.

While I'm posting this, I suppose it's as good a time as any to update my transition filter. Who wants to be on it that isn't already, or who wants to be removed from it? If you are on it, then you can see these posts.

transition: surgery, transition: physical progress, transition: testosterone

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