End of an era

Jan 17, 2007 20:05

My fountain pen has developed a leak. This is the cause of some concern, as well as some ink-stained fingers. With brown ink, no less. I suppose I should be thankful it's not green.

Anyway, I'm actually quite sad to think that this might be the end of the line for my little red and silver Platinum pen - little is not just a term of endearment here, it's actually only 4 inches long. That would be quite a shame, I've had it for years and it originally belonged to my mother. I'm not even sure at what age I acquired it or why, but I know that it's a fabulous pen, and such a smooth writer too. I even love the fact that it doesn't take cartridges, it has a bulb in it that I have to fill from a jar of ink. I feel that even considering going out to get a replacement is akin to being unfaithful to its memory. I'd certainly go for another Platinum though, it says a lot for the brand that this one has lasted this long. I mean it must be older than I am.

I know one thing though, any new pen I get will have to be able to be filled from a jar of ink. I'm sure my little pen wouldn't want it any other way.

Talking of things lasting though, last night I ate the last of the graham crackers I brought back with me. From San Francisco. In March. What can I say, I find it hard to let go of things!

mother, writing

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