Don't mess with my family

Oct 17, 2006 20:03

Or at least, don't mess with my aunt.

My aunt is an avid cyclist - as is most of my family - and she was out on her bike the other day when a car pulled up next to her. The driver was talking on his mobile and my aunt told him to put it down because it's against the law. The driver put his phone on his window and pressed his head against it so that he could carry on with his conversation but not actually be holding the phone. My aunt went round to the front of his car to get his licence plate number. The driver actually rolled down his window and shouted it out to her, to which she said that she'd already got it. He obviously didn't think she was going to do anything with it. Serves him right for being such a smart alec and so smug, she called in to the police station in the village on the way home and reported him. Tomorrow morning, she's going back to talk to a constable who deals with this kind of thing or something like that. I bet he won't have such a smile on his face when he gets a call from the police station to tell him he's been reported for driving while using a mobile phone.

my family and other animals

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