Of eBay and tchotckes

Oct 14, 2006 22:51

I put my SNES games up on eBay on Thursday night with 7 day listings. Two games that I thought would be more popular - Sim City and Mystic Quest Legend - I started at £2.50, the others I put at 99p.

Within an hour of the listings going up, Mystic Quest Legend had one person watching it. When I checked tonight, it already had a bid on it. From past experience, 7 day listings don't start selling till maybe 2 or 3 days before they end. To have one sell this early is amazing! I'm now wondering if I set the starting bid too low! Hopefully, people will fight over it and the price will end up going nice and high.

I doubt it'll come close to the best eBay sale I had: a Gizmo furby I bought originally for £30 new that sold for £40. Now that was unreal.

If you want to go look, all my listings are here: ganimedex

ebay - it's made of evil, geeking about games

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