
Sep 29, 2005 22:41

I got a nice surprise in the post this morning, a parcel covered in red snakeskin - or at least, paper made to look like red snakeskin. As well as a very long letter, it contained some Spun Gold hair balm stuff from John Freida's Sheer Blonde range, a small bottle of Drakkar Noir aftershave and a fabulous book called How to be a Villain. I knew ( Read more... )

pyscho fuckwit bastard ex, i like presents :)

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alabastardragon September 30 2005, 00:37:31 UTC
I knew about the hair stuff and the aftershave but the book was a complete surprise! Draco spoils me far too much, he really does. - I'm glad it cheered you up a bit and I thought you'd like the book. you saw that envelope ages ago, after I'd decorated it.

I've looked at the Spun Gold thing before, but it's about £5 and I didn't want to spend that much on something without knowing if it was worth it. So now I can see if it's any good. - well I cant use most stuff on Mine with it being white, cant risk it darkening and that stuff is what I use on the odd occasion I stand Mine up.

It's very evocative of the sender though. - of course.. so when you hate Me, you'll hate it too and that image will remain with you forever. :/

because I wasn't in the mood for sharing and being talkative tonight. I really did not want to go to class at all but I knew I had to - thats what I was like after the bus pass incident and was v withdrawn for a lot of the time I was there but am still glad I went.

*hugs him again* xxxxx


ganimede September 30 2005, 12:34:25 UTC
It did cheer me up, it was so nice to get something like that. I know I'd already seen the envelope but it looked nicer in my hands than on cam!

Any stuff I put on my hair tends to make it go darker so I don't look blond at all. I like being blond! There's no point using stuff like that shampoo I got from Lush or the John Freida ones to make my hair nice and blond if the wax or balm I put on makes it look brown! You should stand yours up more often, I keep telling you it looks better that way.

Are you planning on making me hate you?

The bus pass incident was really unlucky. I probably would have kicked myself for the rest of the day as well if it had been me.


alabastardragon September 30 2005, 23:33:16 UTC
There's no point using stuff like that shampoo I got from Lush or the John Freida ones to make my hair nice and blond if the wax or balm I put on makes it look brown! - well, you can always give your Lush stuff to a good home.. ME!! :D

You should stand yours up more often, I keep telling you it looks better that way. - yeah.. I know.. I just think I look better with it slicked back most of the time but I will spike it up again soon and get some photos taken for you if you'd like?

Are you planning on making me hate you? - no. :( Usually happens eventually as I'm someone who's either loved or hated, no middle ground and if you dont love Me....


ganimede September 30 2005, 23:40:33 UTC
Nice try, mate, but I'm using my Lush stuff! You can go buy your own!

You look older with your hair slicked back for some reason but I think I've said that before. I'm not going to turn down any photos you take, especially the certain ones you've been promising me :P

If I don't love you, it doesn't follow that I hate you. Don't make generalisations, Draco.


alabastardragon September 30 2005, 23:47:28 UTC
You can go buy your own! *pouts and sulks*

You look older with your hair slicked back for some reason but I think I've said that before. - yeah, I have issues with that Myself as I've also said.

If I don't love you, it doesn't follow that I hate you. Don't make generalisations - its the way its always been for Me so far in My life, sadly.


ganimede October 1 2005, 00:07:04 UTC
Okay, you can go and get other people to buy some for you, but you're not having mine! I like my Lush shampoo!

Just because it's always happened like that, doesn't mean it'll happen like that again.


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