
Sep 29, 2005 22:41

I got a nice surprise in the post this morning, a parcel covered in red snakeskin - or at least, paper made to look like red snakeskin. As well as a very long letter, it contained some Spun Gold hair balm stuff from John Freida's Sheer Blonde range, a small bottle of Drakkar Noir aftershave and a fabulous book called How to be a Villain. I knew ( Read more... )

pyscho fuckwit bastard ex, i like presents :)

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Comments 8

aimlesswander September 29 2005, 23:11:39 UTC
My dad uses Drakkar Noir.

You're a lucky boy, having someone give you presents!

Aw, I'm sorry you weren't feeling in the mood for counseling class. I hope it's going alright for you, though, despite that one disrespectful guy in your class.


ganimede September 30 2005, 00:28:15 UTC
It's really hard to get hold of over here, it's only really available in France so it's not cheap either!

I know I'm such a lucky boy. I need more people to spoil me :p

It's still early days really, this was only the third week so there's lots of time yet. I'm not so sure that he was disrespectful, just completely oblivious.


alabastardragon September 30 2005, 00:37:31 UTC
I knew about the hair stuff and the aftershave but the book was a complete surprise! Draco spoils me far too much, he really does. - I'm glad it cheered you up a bit and I thought you'd like the book. you saw that envelope ages ago, after I'd decorated it.

I've looked at the Spun Gold thing before, but it's about £5 and I didn't want to spend that much on something without knowing if it was worth it. So now I can see if it's any good. - well I cant use most stuff on Mine with it being white, cant risk it darkening and that stuff is what I use on the odd occasion I stand Mine up.

It's very evocative of the sender though. - of course.. so when you hate Me, you'll hate it too and that image will remain with you forever. :/

because I wasn't in the mood for sharing and being talkative tonight. I really did not want to go to class at all but I knew I had to - thats what I was like after the bus pass incident and was v withdrawn for a lot of the time I was there but am still glad I went.

*hugs him again* xxxxx


ganimede September 30 2005, 12:34:25 UTC
It did cheer me up, it was so nice to get something like that. I know I'd already seen the envelope but it looked nicer in my hands than on cam!

Any stuff I put on my hair tends to make it go darker so I don't look blond at all. I like being blond! There's no point using stuff like that shampoo I got from Lush or the John Freida ones to make my hair nice and blond if the wax or balm I put on makes it look brown! You should stand yours up more often, I keep telling you it looks better that way.

Are you planning on making me hate you?

The bus pass incident was really unlucky. I probably would have kicked myself for the rest of the day as well if it had been me.


alabastardragon September 30 2005, 23:33:16 UTC
There's no point using stuff like that shampoo I got from Lush or the John Freida ones to make my hair nice and blond if the wax or balm I put on makes it look brown! - well, you can always give your Lush stuff to a good home.. ME!! :D

You should stand yours up more often, I keep telling you it looks better that way. - yeah.. I know.. I just think I look better with it slicked back most of the time but I will spike it up again soon and get some photos taken for you if you'd like?

Are you planning on making me hate you? - no. :( Usually happens eventually as I'm someone who's either loved or hated, no middle ground and if you dont love Me....


ganimede September 30 2005, 23:40:33 UTC
Nice try, mate, but I'm using my Lush stuff! You can go buy your own!

You look older with your hair slicked back for some reason but I think I've said that before. I'm not going to turn down any photos you take, especially the certain ones you've been promising me :P

If I don't love you, it doesn't follow that I hate you. Don't make generalisations, Draco.


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