The Golden Girls - I hated it when they'd use that chopped-up version - you know, where it'd cut to the abrupt "Thank you for bein' a friend" ending.
Cheers - I always got confused watching this when I was a kid, because the cast's names correspond with the old-fashioned pictures, and they look nothing like the people in the photographs. And the end credits always left me feeling kind of depressed because it was just that still shot of the empty bar.
Happy Days - My sister and I would get so excited when this show would come on. My favorite part was "Goodbye gray skies, hello blue..." Can you tell by my list that we watched a lot of TV with our parents?
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - I though I was so cool because I knew all the words by heart.
Animaniacs - Another one I memorized and thought that it made me awesome. Bonus points for remembering several endings of the song that changed with every show - the rain in Spain-y, chicken chow mein-y, Citizen Kane-y, etc.