
Apr 18, 2009 10:52

Had an impromptu two day adventure to the hunter valley with V. We set basic rules which were that we wouldn't decide before hand where we'd stay/ what we'd see and instead let ourselves be distracted by sights and smells as we went along. What could have been a meandering mess turned into awesome awesomeness as we partook of wine tasting, delicious fresh grown foods (including some amazing cheeses) and animal spotting. We took a wine tour where we discovered that the hunter valley is responsible for a mere 2% of Australias wine production but has an inordinate amount of award winning wines being produced. The guy that showed us around the winery laughed evilly at seemingly random moments. In fact the majority of people we met on our adventure seemed full of character.
We headed home friday with a large selection of locally made cheeses and chocolates and even began our wine entrepreneurialship with 2008's gold medal winning semillion from Andrew Thomas. I was going to buy a bottle of port instead and drink it that night but was convinced of the humour of wine collecting by V.
We arrived back a little exhausted and still trying to get over this illness which has a tenacity i'm not used to. I then organised a movie night at metaphor123 's which was orginally planned as a horror movie night but turned into a regular movie night to get 
ange_tarantism to come. We ended up watching Flowers in the attic (2 stars for the sole reason that there was a pay off when both the kid with the awful perm and the mother, got killed) and Are you being served? (2 stars because while not being bad it is dwarfed by most british comedy). The evening quickly degenerated into an evening of gossip which suited me fine.
ps. I'm still sure that  despite what gargoyal said heapha didn't come because she hates me and that Jane Austen Fest is just a convenient excuse.
sim_kizz and I's aura of masculinity is too dangerously intoxicating for you to handle
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