Your potted plants are alive, and you cannot smoke any of them.
In front of my apartment on West Hancock Avenue, Athens, GA
The challenge has been to keep these plants alive through the winter, since this covered walkway blocks direct sunlight from all of the windows in my apartment. We actually do not get very many days below freezing, so I shuttled the plants in when I thought that a freeze was coming and kept them out here many days in December, January, February.... Most are cacti or other succulents like aloe, which do fine with very little water or attention. I am particularly proud, however, of the angel wing begonia.
Angel Wing Begonia in bloom - Athens, Georgia, June 12, 2006
I just started taking close-up photographs this past year. I am also not much of a botanist, so I had to look this plant up this morning in spite of the fact that my mother did tell me what it was when she gave it to me. The best site that I found about this particular begonia is the one by
John Hayden of the University of Richmond.