First, if you haven't read the new
In The Works You may want to look down at the entry for d20 Future real quick. Also, there is a discussion regarding it on the d20 Modern boards in this
thread. I'll wait while any who need to catch up...
Click here once you are up to speed )
Comments 17
IMO, a Gamma World Revised would be a good move, clean up all the typos and inconsistencies. Building the communities for my upcoming game, I've noticed a fair number of references to conflicting skills (Knowledge: Technology:Biotech instead of Knowledge:Earth and Life Sciences springs to mind as the most common repeat offender).
As for options 1-3... I'm undecided.
You would think that, if they were granted permission to use a WotC licence (namely Gamma World) that they would attempt to make sure they knew what was happening with d20 Future to make it compatable.
Ah well. :) I am still striving to get my game going... if I don't by the end of July I may just hold off until I get d20 Future then run it after converting my campaign ideas to that...
Also, FYI, I'm hoping that Bruce might make some comments here regarding a possible d20 Gamma World Revised. :)
Or, I could be full of caca, it has been known to happen.
I may hold off creating PCs until I look d20 Future over and see if I want to use it. Right now, we're just beginning character creation.
OT, I've come up with about 1/2 a dozen new community feats, as well as some new plants. I'm considering writing them up and submitting them for publication, to either Dragon or Pyramid. Any thoughts?
Although, I'd also like to add the likelihood of a 2b - go with Gammaworld D20 and take the viable ideas from WoTC D20F, which I would put my money on as the most likely route for people.
When I have a campaign, I'm going to use a little from here and a little from there, but thankfully, S&S has laid down a foundation. As long as the GM and the players are on the ame page, I guess we can borrow from wherever we want.
I would have liked to see some modules/adventures from S&S. Any chance of that? (I won't even ask about minis1) ;)
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