Life in bullet points

Apr 13, 2014 16:52

  • I have one more exam (religious studies.  I have no hope of passing this class).  But then it'll be summer, so hurrah for that.
  • I got into a creative writing class for next term.
  • Has the rich text editor on LJ gotten more glitchy since I last used it, or is that just me?
  • Still waiting for word back on my summer job.  *bites nails*
  • My femmefest gift was lovely :) Check it out!  Is Marietta's hair not gorgeous?
  • Still waiting with some excitement for the gift I wrote to be posted.  I hope it works as well for the recipient as it seemed like it did when I wrote it
  • Hannibal has continued to be the highlight of my week
[Spoilers for last two episodes]WHY MIRIAM WHY NOT ABIGAIL?  If Miriam lived, does that mean Abigail can't, from a writing perspective?  Or would it be BETTER from a writing perspective to have Abigail also live and react in a totally different way from Miriam?
  • Tom Felton is slated to attend the Calgary Comic Expo.  This is the third year running that he's been supposed to attend - he cancelled the last two years in a row.  Third time lucky, maybe?
  • I had a panic attack about a week back. It was my dad that my mind was on, but since nothing particular brought it on (he seems to be continuing to do relatively all right, at least, as far as I can tell), I'm inclined to suspect it's more to do with a build-up of end-of-term pressure that I'm projecting onto unrelated issues.  :(
  • At least the weather's getting nice.  At last.


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