Jan 23, 2006 12:28
I really needed this weekend to recharge. Last week was the longest four-day week ever. Since I went out Thursday I stayed in Friday and got a great night's sleep. Saturday I did "weekend stuff." Had to wait almost three hours for an oil change, went to the gym, groceries, etc. Went out with Meytal, the girl from alst week, again. We saw Capote. Not a huge date movie, but she's an actor so she appreciated it. Hoffman is un-freakin-believeable. We had a fdrink after that. It was nice. If I see her again, which I expect to, it will be the first time ina long time I've had more than two dates with someone. Uncharted territory! It's refreshing to meet someone I connect with, for a change.
Had lunch at the Farmer's Market with Dan on Sunday, and we saw a screening of Brokeback Mountain at the TV Academy building (the people that hand out the Emmys). it was a good movie, but I don't get all the awards talk. There was nothing wrong with it (other than having a hard time understanding anything Heath Ledger saib) but I just thought it wasn't 'Best Picture of the Year' quality. My vote? Good Night, and Good Luck or Walk the Line.