In the midst of everything else going on I have a show up at the TRCC gallery. Check it out It seems like these things come in bursts, parts of the year I get nothing then I am totally swamped.I think Max and I may go to the beach today and lay in the sand. I need a break from the grind for a bit. We try to go to the beach once a week, Max really likes the sand and the rocks. I think its because he can scream as loud as he wants and make castles. It seems like his baby years are racing by so fast I am glad that I only work a few days a week so I can spend as much time with him as I can. When I am working out in the shop I always miss him a little, even though he is 30 feet away in the house. I telling myself when he is older I will get back to school or go do a residency somewhere even though I do not think I could manage to be away that long. Ah well time to make some oatmeal for the litteman.