Apr 15, 2014 08:01
I have tried all of my life to make one thing at a time, one painting one tree-fort, One two headed GI Joe ect, but I have never been able to do it. I find my work holds my attention best when I multitask which makes me an excellent teacher or manager but a slow crafts person. To that point I often drive folks I make things for a little batty. Most people think that if something takes a long time it is not getting attention or procrastination has taken the hour. truthfully this couldnt be further from reality, at least my reality. Things are always on my mind I do constant research into techniques that help in the process as well as starting and re starting things when they do not go right. Take Edval's armour for example I have been working on this for almost a year 3 months shy actually and I have his vambs and legs done his breastplate, back plate and shoulders nearly done and the helm is 60-70 percent there. In Brian terms it is 3 weeks till completion. The advantage to working this way is Ed will get a full suit of 14th century stainless spring steel armour all at the same time. It is like asking for new hubcaps for X-mas and getting a new car instead. But that moment is made up of 200+ hours of work on my part. I built the helm 4 times to get it right, thats right the helm he will be wearing took me 4 tries! ITs hard to express how little money I make not to mention the cost in time away from my family. Fortunately ALL of my projects are about as far along as Eds gear. EVERYTHING is almost done and now that the finish line is in sight I need to keep pushing untill everything is done. This will be the summer when I clear my que and it feeeeellllssss goood.