Let Me Tell You About My Character ...

Mar 05, 2008 08:00

Evidence of Gaming
Originally uploaded by GameThyme Actually, I can't. By the time I was mature enough for my D&D characters to have actual personalities, I was DMing.

E. Gary Gygax (for those two of you who haven't heard) passed yesterday. He was co-creator of D&D, and had his hand in a lot of other products. His impact on the world was disproportionately large.

A lot of people have talked about how he could be a bitter angry man - I never saw that. Admittedly, I only saw him on his "home turf" - at GenCon. Gary Gygax loved games and gamers, and he'd play nearly anything. He's been reported as a "ferocious competitor" who loved to win, but who didn't mind losing.

There are a lot of eulogies out there, but the best I've seen is this one:Gary, you brought joy and adventure to the imaginations of millions of outcasts, geeks, nerds and their friends. Your legacy is solidified in the games that continue today, around dinner tables and at game stores, with not only the gamers of yore and their friends, but their children as well. The next generation of fighters, clerics and wizards will no longer read new works bearing your name, but your previous works will live on in bookshelf collections around the world.

Rest in peace, weary adventurer. The tavern awaits.
(From here)

Thank you, Mr. Gygax.
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