Well, as part of that whole "Time To Make More Public Posts Thing," I figured it'd be a good time to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me, are just tuning in, or are otherwise curious.
Makes sense, right?
First of all, that icon there? Those are my choppers. If you are my dentist, you now recognize me.
Since you're probably not my dentist, the icon doesn't help. Feel free to browse my other icons. There are photos and drawings and other images of me in there.
My name is Eric. At the time I'm writing this, I'm 31 years old. I live in the greater Seattle, WA area. I'm married with two cats.
I have one major hobby: Gaming. I play board games, card games, miniatures games, role-playing games, and video games. I do this in person, online and via XBox Live. During the summer Convention season, I work as a demo monkey for
Asmodee Editions. During the off-season, I help them with their translations.
My wife is a gamer, too. She doesn't play many video games, but she enjoys watching some of them. She also helps demo games for Asmodee.
I do have another blog,
Talking Game, which is syndicated as
talkinggame. It's (surprise) about gaming. I don't talk about video games there, however.
I'm also present on Facebook (where I play a lot of Scrabulous), LinkedIn, MySpace, and several other sites. "Present" is not the same as "Active."
I am active on
I have a host of other hobbies - most of which reveal themselves when looking at my interests.
I tend to think of myself as boring. There are people who agree, there are people who disagree. Personally, I don't care what you think of me here. My LJ is for me, and is mostly friends-locked. I will be cranky, rude and blunt. I occasionally swear. On occasion, I have a good idea or an interesting post.
Don't expect me to make sense.
I view "Friends Lists" as "Subscriptions." I friend people who say things I want to read, whether I agree or not. I figure that other people who friend me want to read what I have to say. I don't expect reciprocal friendings.
Politically, I'm a moderate Conservative. Most of my friends (here on LJ and out in the real world) are Liberal. Some of them are very Liberal. So I don't hate Liberals or Conservatives. I also don't like flamewars in my journal. Feel free to disagree with other comments, but keep it civil or take it elsewhere.
If there's anything else you want or need to know, ask me via comment.