Sep 26, 2009 23:38
Went out to a lovely Thai restaurant with my friend Elizabeth for her birthday, then returned to her place and played two games of Scrabble. The first game would have given me a "Low Win" at just about any tournament - the board was very closed, neither of us could bingo, and the final score was 313-257 in my favour. My best play the whole game was WAND on a TWS/DLS for 36 points. I fared better in the second game where I pretty much drew the bag (except for the X and Z), played BANJO for 49 and bingoed with SILAGES (82). Final score 419-234. I also had 4 or 5 unplayable bingos in that game, including the lovely SARONGS, which I would have loved to get down, but the hook for the S didn't come out until later...