It's about time!

Sep 25, 2009 23:00

A funny thing happened on the way to creating my LiveJournal page tonight.  Inspired by Jeremy Hildebrand's Quinquennia blog, I thought it was about time I created one of my own, if only to record my Scrabble and boardgaming activities.  I entered my username and was given the message that "gamergrrl" had already been taken.  I was very surprised, because it's a username I had been using for a long time, especially on boardgamegeek ( and on ISC.  Then it suddenly occurred to me -- maybe I did this once before!  I tried a few of my usual passwords and, sure enough, I had actually created a page some time in the past, even though I had never posted anything.  Am I finally at the age where I'm losing my memory?

In any event, I'll try to post whenever I can get away from Facebook, Twitter (which I'm primarily using for work these days under the name CoopsCanada), Scrabble club, strategic boardgaming, the NAC Festival Chorus, and of course, spending time with my husband, grandchildren & friends.
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