I know this is really short notice, but if you're in the Twin Cities and looking for something to do tomorrow night, my band is playing a fundraiser show for
SlutWalk Minneapolis at
the Acadia Cafe, 329 Cedar Avenue. We go on first for an acoustic show at 8 p.m. Following that you can hear sets from Broken Bicycles, our sibling band The Potential Slayers, Nancy Olson, and some random dude named Dave Stagner. ;p The show is free and open to all ages, though a $5 donation to support the work of the SlutWalk organization is recommended. The Acadia also has fantastic food and drink (I'm addicted to their "LGBT" sandwich - a BLT with guacamole) and a percentage of all orders will go to SlutWalk as well, so please show up to eat, drink, and be merry while hearing great music!
I'll also be participating in the SlutWalk event itself on October 6, and probably drumming with Candles Enough who are playing at the opening ceremonies. Speaking of Candles Enough, we sent off the final tracks last night for what will be their first release - Fire on the Hill, a 4-song EP that is a preview of their upcoming full-length, Trial by Fire. This is the first release I've ever produced and I'm very excited to see it take form. I will let you know where and how to get it as soon as it is in our hands!
Things are good otherwise, though William just turned 7 months on Monday and is already beginning to look alarmingly toddler-like. I'm not ready for him to stop being a babby yet! At least he still loves to nurse and snuggle and thinks it's hilarious when I nom on his fingers, so the days of his mom being eye-rollingly uncool are still far off on the horizon for now.
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