Dear LJ/DW, this is what I want for my birthday: If you believe that women and men should have equal rights, for the love of all that is holy then call yourself a feminist. Every time you say, "I'm not a feminist, but..." and then state an opinion that is in perfect alignment with the beliefs and and goals of mainstream feminism, Valerie Solanas kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens. Thank you.
Anyway for now I will just say GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH and then have a meme instead.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
This came from
a Supernatural fan comic by someone named
moonythestrals. I snagged the icon right around the time that I was first watching Supernatural, in summer of 2006, while the fandom was still young and innocent and not full of TERRIBLE PEOPLE and before I became all cynical and cranky about that show. The comic itself took a detour into wincestland pretty quickly, which is not so much to my taste, but I still use this icon all the time because a) I am a Sam girl and b) that panel is still really funny. I actually don't use it when I'm talking about Supernatural very much, though, unless I'm feeling particularly irritable about the direction of a show I once loved. More often than not I use it for real-life angst or general instances of feeling emotionally crappy - though that's usually in the context of stuff that I know is kind of silly or tedious, due to the somewhat tongue-in-cheek nature of the icon.
I seriously don't remember where I got this icon from or why I decided to snag it. Obviously it's from the
Bayeux Tapestry meme and a take-off on
I AM IN UR BASE KILLING UR D00DS (warning: ED links should be assumed as NSFW) but for the life of me I do not know what I planned to use it for. Video games maybe? Academia? Who knows. Anyway, I actually haven't used this icon in ages. Still funny though.
This was drawn by
lukeski two years ago for promotional materials for
MarsCon's dementia track in 2008, where I performed with my band for only the second time ever and also released All Of My Heroes Are Villains. I thought the chibi drawing was awesome, so I cropped it (and flipped it in Photoshop because Luke had originally drawn me playing guitar right-handed!) and started using it as an icon. I use this one a lot, usually when I'm talking about music-related stuff I'm doing or shows I'm playing at conventions or elsewhere.
prettypinkdork made this. Most of you know already that I am absolutely over the moon for Roslin and Adama from Battlestar Galactica - they are definitely my OTP in the most literal and traditional sense. For this reason I have a lot of icons for them, a lot of which are sort of silly and teasing and cute because I would get too sad if I had to look at really serious icons of them all the time. I took this one because it made me laugh when I saw it (for those who haven't watched BSG, the screencap is from one of many scenes wherein Adama almost-but-not-quite declares his undying and patently obvious love for Roslin, and instead rambles on in some kind of metaphor, like he does). I use it when I'm talking about BSG, of course, but I also find myself using it when I'm feeling kind of nostalgic, thoughtful, or wistful about something.
This was made by
burpinator and it's easily the newest icon that
sophinisba asked me about. The character in the icon is Alistair from Dragon Age: Origins and he is my video game boyfriend. <3 The text refers to the fact that in the game, various actions that you take will cause your party members to either approve or disapprove of what you're doing. When you raise a character's approval it can unlock new abilities or story line options such as romances. +10 would be a fairly large approval boost. There is a whole series of these icons with other characters either approving or disapproving and I know that
eustacio has a few others. I use this icon for video game and Dragon Age chat, and also for general "I like this a lot" purposes.
This is by
50thousandtearz. It's John Crichton from Farscape, saying my favorite line from my favorite scene in "Crackers Don't Matter" which is one of my favorite Farscape episodes. Naturally when I saw this icon I knew I had to have it. (c: This is another icon that doesn't get as much use as I might like it to; I use it on those occasions where I end up talking about Farscape, and at other times where it seems randomly appropriate for whatever reason.
Anyway let me know if you would like to play the game and I will pick some icons from LJ or DW that you would like to hear more about! Yay!
Also: Yesterday I ran for 20 minutes without stopping, which is something I think I can honestly say I have never done in my life. Huh.
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