First, a link that is sort of wonderful and also sort of awful, via Language Log:
XKCD did a survey about what people name different colors and sorted the results by gender differences. While they first found that men and women generally agreed on how to name most colors, then this happened:
Then I decided to calculate the "most masculine" and "most feminine" colors. I was looking for the color names most disproportionately popular among each group; that is, the names that the most women came up with compared to the fewest men (or vice versa).
Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among women:
1. Dusty Teal
2. Blush Pink
3. Dusty Lavender
4. Butter Yellow
5. Dusky Rose
Okay, pretty flowery, certainly. Kind of an incense-bomb-set-off-in-a-Bed-Bath-&-Beyond vibe. Well, let’s take a look at the other list.
Here are the color names most disproportionately popular among men:
1. Penis
2. Gay
3. WTF
4. Dunno
5. Baige
I...that’s not my typo in #5 - the only actual color in the list really is a misspelling of "beige." And keep in mind, this is based on the number of unique people who answered the color, not the number of times they typed it. This isn’t just the effect of a couple spammers. In fact, this is after the spamfilter.
I weep for my gender.
Anyway, yeah, have a bunch of random observations:
I had a really good time at No Brand Con last weekend. I made a big chunk of money from selling CDs and busking, and also had a fun time making new friends and fans as well as seeing old ones. It was good to spend some time with my family too. DemiCon next weekend and then I will probably be done with going to cons until Convergence, my schedule for which gets a little wackier by the day.
More Songs About Robots & Death is coming along nicely and should be easily ready for distribution by the con.
freeimprov and I recorded "Drinking Song" last night which leaves only "The Battle of Evermore" with basic tracks left to take, and we hope to get that done on Saturday. I'm really pleased with how the EP is sounding so far and I hope it sells well when it's out, so that licensing all of those covers will be worth it.
In video game news, I'm about 10ish hours into the Dragon Age expansion and about ready to go find BioWare's QA offices and do something horrible to them. So far, by no fault of my own, I have irrevocably glitched three major quests and unintentionally engaged in various horrific acts of sequence breaking on several occasions. Also Oghren spends all his time attacking thin air whenever I put him in my party. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Lately, when I'm not at work, making music, or playing video games, I am trying to get in better shape. It would be nice to to lose about 30 pounds or at least not look as disgusting as I do but I'm pretty sure I would have to give up nearly everything I find enjoyable in life in order to accomplish that. I've been exercising every day for over 4 years now and to change things up I'm trying to take advantage of the nicer weather to get outside and do higher-impact activities. So I am in the middle of week 4 of
Couch to 5K right now. So far it seems to be what I was looking for it - it's a clear challenge without being insurmountable. We'll see how it feels at the end of next week when I'm supposed to be running 20 minutes without stopping since I'm pretty sure that I have never actually done that before in my entire life.
And then there was TV!
The Amazing Race: I haven't talked about this yet this season because frankly it kind of sucks now. The grudges and the producers' obvious favoritism have made it hard to watch, but still, I soldier on. Meh.
Lost: If you haven't seen last night's episode yet I should warn you that when you do, you will probably poop a little. If the rest of the episodes leading up to the finale are as good as this one was, I will be happy indeed.
Though I don't think it was romantic or whatever that Jin voluntarily died along with Sun, I think it was just plain stupid. GO LIVE AND BE WITH YOUR KID JEEZ THERE IS NO POINT IN ANY OF THIS. Maybe it's just me but I have a really hard time being moved by this whole "now we will be together forever" thing - to me it reads as just plain giving up on everything else that could be good in life because of your OMG SO DOOMED AND TRAGIC LOVE and I have a hard time empathizing with that. I was more upset that Sayid died, but glad that it was able to happen in a more or less redemptive fashion. And honestly they should have been killing some of these characters off years ago since none of them have had anything interesting to do in forever.
Supernatural: Following the third more or less good episode in a row last week, I have come up with a Daring Plan to Fix Supernatural Forever and it goes a little something like this: No more women or minorities ever again on this show. Let's just have it be the show where Dean and Sam and maybe Castiel kill monsters and have MANPAIN and look soulfully at each other while driving all over an America that is curiously devoid of anybody except straight white able-bodied Christian middle-class men. KRIPKE YOUR DIVERSITY LICENSE HAS BEEN REVOKED. Because if this means we will never have an episode like "99 Problems" EVER AGAIN I will gladly suspend my disbelief and not complain about representation issues because every time you try to have representation it turns into a horrible train wreck.
Doctor Who: I'm still not caught up on the most recent episode so don't spoil me! Great cliffhanger the week before that. I seriously don't get how anybody could watch that and not come away thinking that River Song is the greatest quasi-companion ever. I mean, I acknowledge that these people exist, and that mine is the loneliest fandom, and all that, but I just don't understand it. I also have this theory where she is the future version of Amy Pond but we will see if that holds up to scrutiny.
Okay I think that's more than enough LJing for now.
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