Hump Day

Jun 25, 2013 23:00

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hump day

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Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, I housecreepy June 26 2013, 04:52:00 UTC
“How does your lord kiss you?” Myranda asked, her eyes twinkling in amusement at Walda’s slightly shocked expression. “Are his lips cold? Does he make you shiver?” She reached out a hand, glittering with rings, and tweaked one of Walda’s braids, unbound but still tightly woven, that hung over her shoulder. As she did, her hand brushed her companion’s breast, and not by accident. Walda was oblivious to the affection, her mind elsewhere, thoughts turned to her sweet Roose and his sharp, odd affections. He was not the dutiful, clingy lover of the songs and the romances that her sisters and lady cousins were so fond of, but he kept her well-satisfied, more so than a dewy-eyed young swain with love poems dripping from his lips and a garland of flowers on his brow ( ... )


Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II housecreepy June 26 2013, 04:52:16 UTC
“Oh, good!” Myranda trilled. “I am doing well, aren’t I ( ... )


Re: Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II moderntrickster June 26 2013, 07:48:37 UTC
*coos and sways* This was so sweet. I love it!


Re: Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II housecreepy June 26 2013, 19:29:11 UTC
Thank you! Almost too sweet but I write enough creepy stuff. :)


Re: Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II lainemontgomery June 26 2013, 16:46:26 UTC
EEEE THIS IS FABULOUS. I LOVE these two together- Walda's adorable giggliness and Myranda's sass are a perfect combo. I also adore Walda's thoughts about her relationship with Roose- they're so weird, but they really WORK as a couple. <333 Thank you for writing!


Re: Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II housecreepy June 26 2013, 19:29:36 UTC
Thank you! They are one crackship I want to see happen in canon.


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