Hump Day

Jun 25, 2013 23:00

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hump day

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Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II housecreepy June 26 2013, 04:52:16 UTC
“Oh, good!” Myranda trilled. “I am doing well, aren’t I?”

Walda had to admit that, whether or not it was accurate, it was pleasing.

Myranda cupped her breasts through her shift, and as she did, she pressed Walda gently back upon the bed. Her hair tumbled forward, falling over their faces. They were very close now, and she bent to kiss the other girl, just brushing her lips against her mouth at first, and then going deeper, feeling Walda yield under her touch. Myranda worked her fingers, stroking the other girl’s nipples, feeling them peak under the press of her thumbs. She could hear the pounding of her heart, could feel it against her own body as she slowly slowly lowered herself, feeling her breasts compress against Walda’s, their stomachs pressed together, their legs tangled. Myranda was surprised when Walda’s arms twined around her in kind, pulling her even closer, Walda’s hands caught in her hair, then gripping her shoulders.

When she finally broke away, she had to ask. “Did I get it right?”

Walda reached for her eagerly, and this time it was her hands that caressed Myranda, her fingers that wandered from waist to hip to thigh, parting the other girl’s legs gently.

“Close enough,” she replied. “Close enough.”


Re: Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II moderntrickster June 26 2013, 07:48:37 UTC
*coos and sways* This was so sweet. I love it!


Re: Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II housecreepy June 26 2013, 19:29:11 UTC
Thank you! Almost too sweet but I write enough creepy stuff. :)


Re: Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II lainemontgomery June 26 2013, 16:46:26 UTC
EEEE THIS IS FABULOUS. I LOVE these two together- Walda's adorable giggliness and Myranda's sass are a perfect combo. I also adore Walda's thoughts about her relationship with Roose- they're so weird, but they really WORK as a couple. <333 Thank you for writing!


Re: Close Enough, Myranda Royce/Walda Bolton (and a little Roose/Walda), M, underage, II housecreepy June 26 2013, 19:29:36 UTC
Thank you! They are one crackship I want to see happen in canon.


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