Sep 29, 2020 19:53
Maybe I should come back to LiveJournal? I must say I'm very disappointed about Tumblr, Twitter, and Discord as platforms for fandom. I've been off in Star Wars, enjoyed the heck out of it, but ... I dunno. TROS was a punch to the gut. I was talking to someone today (in the manner that you do on Tumblr, which means posting into the void just about) and saying how much better LiveJournal was for fannish communities. Which made me check to see if my login here was still valid. After a password reset, it was, so here I am.
My personal life has gone wonderfully over the last four years. COVID has made little change in that. I now own my house and car outright. I have enough money socked away that I should be able to retire in ten years. My health is good. My family is fine. I have no legal troubles. I have a good job, short commute, unobjectionable coworkers, and job security. I have a purple belt in Brazilian jujitsu now. I have a cat and once again I own chickens. I have a boyfriend whom I've been with for ... five years now?
Anyway, I don't want to get bogged down in what's basically a test post. If you're still on LJ and on my friends list, let me know! I see a few of you folk out there on my notifications, so I know a few of you are still active.
mundane stuff