Weekend to-do list

Aug 29, 2014 19:30

Friday -

  • Publish to-do list

  • Publish Twisted Brick for the edification of the masses. :)

  • Publish book review for Verbal Judo

  • Water blackberries, grapes, and garden

  • Pick okra

  • Laundry

Saturday -

  • Brazilian jujitsu, 10 am. They're not having a full class this weekend, so maybe I'll just roll around and spar. Don't know.

  • Go by Southern Ag and get the cinder blocks the manager is holding for me. Yay cinder blocks!

  • Pick up gun (if applicable) - I have purchased a 9 mm Ruger LC9 with an extended magazine. If anyone knows anything about guns, let me know your thoughts on this. My thought is that I will terrorize the crap out of the rat population. They've become very brazen down at the chicken coop. I'm thinking they will make fine targets.

  • Intro to Handguns class (2-3:30 Saturday) - Seems like a good idea, given that I have fired exactly one revolver in my life on one outing, and one pistol on one other outing. I've grown up around guns, but used them very rarely.

  • Make kids fold laundry and put away

Sunday -

  • BOK Center, Gala of the Royal Horses. Doors open 2 pm. Event at 3 pm. I'm taking my daughter to this. It looks pretty cool.

Monday -

  • I have nothing scheduled for Labor Day, which leads to ...

Things I intend to get done, in no particular order or schedule -

  • Edit and revise 4 MBU chapters

  • Scout Ramona sand plums - There's a place up the highway ten or fifteen miles that's supposed to have a bunch of wild plums, ripe, and visible from the road, on public access land. Imma goin' to check that out.

  • Dust north henhouse for mites and lice - A month ago, I only did the southern two houses. Now the northern one is crawling with mites so bad my mother demands people shower if they so much as go in there. I feel sorry for the poor chickens.

  • Help boyfriend move stuff - He has finally decided he will move his stuff out of his old place and into here, or toss it in the landfill.

  • Bread and cinnamon rolls

  • Check yellow paint to paint new beehive stuff so it matches old beehive stuff

  • Buy fasteners and glue for beehive supers. Buy paint if needed.

  • Assemble beehive supers - two shallows and one medium.

  • Paint beehive supers

  • Install beehive supers - This will involve throwing away the old ones. I tried to have a bee guy come look at my hive last weekend and tell me if I could take more honey, but he was concerned the hive would literally fall apart if he messed with it. He's right - it was nearly in pieces when I got it in the spring and it's worse now. Rather than risk the thing collapsing over the winter, I'm going to replace the crappy boxes with new ones, now. I've already bought the hive pieces, but I have to put them together and they assemble different than the ones I did in the spring. So it's another learning curve.

  • Weed front flower beds

  • Pull or trim weeds around fruit trees

  • Cook beans or chili (or chili with beans).

  • Go fishing

  • Get boyfriend to run credit check on himself. I ran one on myself this week. I run a credit report on myself every year. It was a bigger deal when I had my ex in the background, although I was running the check on myself three times a year (which is as often as you can do it for free) when he was alive. And I was running it on him, too, now and then, just to keep tabs. A credit report shows you how many credit cards or other lines of credit you have out there. It's a good idea to have only two or three and close or cancel the others. Also, it keeps you aware of some kinds of identify theft that might be going on. If you ever try to buy something on credit (like a car or house), it's good to have a clean report, or to have cleaned up your report in advance of trying to negotiate the purchase.

  • Review will and trust fund for annual update - This is another thing that needs annual looking-at. For example, last year, my boyfriend featured very little. This year, I'll expand his role a little bit.

  • Consider writing Peter masturbation fic as requested yesterday by Anonymous Tumblr person

mundane stuff

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