My plans for the weekend

Aug 22, 2014 22:06

  • Rise
  • Make pancakes for the kids. Eggs for self.
  • Start bread dough.
  • Get 13 dozen eggs from my mother
  • Drop off eggs at Southern Ag
  • Go to Brazilian jiu jitsu class. Give the master a dozen eggs.
  • Finish BJJ. Go to Southern Ag. Sell eggs.
  • Go home.
  • Turn now-risen bread dough into two loaves.
  • Polish shoes.
  • Make another attempt to scrub out the turkey roaster.
  • Read my book and/or write.
  • Bake bread.
  • Go to Jess' dinner party, with bread.
  • Socialize.
  • At some point in the day: Go to shooting range with boyfriend and rent some 9mm guns. Fire them. Get a feel for them. Maybe rent and fire some other stuff.
  • At some other point in the day: Meet Jess and Terry to review bees. This will probably involve bringing Terry over to see my hive.
At some point, it would be nice to take those two rabbits from the deep freeze and turn them into broth so I can make another batch of beans, or some kind of soup. I don't know if I'll get around to that. Another thing that would be nice is taking the apples I've grown, peeling them, slicing them ultra-thin, and making a nice pie out of them, maybe for Jess' party. But I don't know how up I'll be for that sort of thing after BJJ. I'm still on a weight-loss diet, which means my extra energy is always dicey, especially on days when I know I'll be putting in a lot of physical effort. Speaking of the weight loss, I'm only three pounds from my final target weight. I've decided I'm not going below 135 (at least not intentionally). I'm already tapering down the diet a little. Instead of trying to eat 1100-1300 calories a day, I'm shooting for 1200-1300, plus allowing myself up to 200 more calories on days when I'm working out for an hour or more. So far I've lost 80 pounds in less than 2 years. I intend to take measurements tonight and maybe some pictures over the weekend for 'before and after' pics. I'm very proud of myself.

mundane stuff

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