A pair of chicken films

Nov 18, 2012 18:46

Well ... today I tested out the video-taking capability in my camera. In the original on the camera and on my computer, there's no green band, but when I uploaded to YouTube, it had a green band on it. If anyone knows how to get rid of that, let me know. This is one of our three hen houses. The hen in the nest box with all the hay is sitting on some eggs we gave her yesterday. She's become 'broody', which means she's entering a hormonally-influenced phase where she wants to sit on eggs. Different breeds of chickens have different levels of inclination to being broody. Broody hens make good mothers. Usually, they're also a bit mean, but as you can see this one made only token complaints about me petting her.

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This is the daddy for the eggs she's sitting on (apologies for the poor focus). He's a light-phase Brown Leghorn, which is the same breed as the Kellog's cereal rooster and the Disney cartoon rooster (although that one's a white leghorn).

chickens, mundane stuff

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