This computer stuff really throws me for a loop sometimes, but it's all working now. I'm so thrilled! I'm going to go do a little dance around the house!
- I figured out how to disentangle my mixed Google identities. Google was no help. They have neither phone nor chat support. But YouTube lets you disassociate accounts and that was the main web identity I wanted to separate from my son's. He's a nice kid and all, but he's a twelve year old boy. At some point he's going to discover the comment field and how to argue with people over the internet and when he does, I do NOT want him doing it as ME! So that's done now. Whew!
- I've got my iMac updated to Mountain Lion. I have my MacBook updated to Lion (which is as far as it can go). I also have 2 Gig of RAM in my MacBook, which as it turns out wasn't necessary for the general upgrade, but it's cool to have.
- Now that the upgrade and identity sort is finally complete, I can start reinstalling my programs and bookmarks and linky-things. That's going real well so far. I've managed to avoid deleting, erased, or writing over anything I wanted.
- Before all this, I'd started that document for my will, and I've been saving my account names, usernames, and passwords in it and that's been truly invaluable. Just incredible. Very useful. A security risk, but oh so worthwhile.
- Oh, and Silverlight is back to working after redownloading, which means I can watch Netflix on my computer again. Woot!
- Setting up different profiles for the kids on the main computer went like a breeze.
- Also, Apple has come out with this neat feature that can track the physical location of your computer. Maybe it's a bit Big Brother-ish, but my ex has claimed that this computer is rightfully his over and over. It's nice to know if he steals it, I can find it. (And then I can log into it remotely and disable it to my heart's content. Haha!)