Title: Am I Still Nathan Petrelli?
Characters: Sylar, Peter Petrelli, Nathan Petrelli, others
Rating: R
Warnings: Incest (nothing graphic)
Word Count: ~30,500 told in thirteen chapters
Summary: Set immediately after "Brother's Keeper" and tracking the journey Sythan makes to find redemption and change who he is.
Notes: This is the first fanfiction I ever wrote.
Chapter 1: Reconciliation -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/193014.htmlChapter 2: The Full Package -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/193052.htmlChapter 3: Peter Talks to Angela -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/193527.htmlChapter 4: Bennet Gets His Orders -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/193691.htmlChapter 5: Sylar and Nathan Discuss Claire -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/193907.htmlChapter 6: Claire Visits Nathan -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/194115.htmlChapter 7: Afternoon of Claire's Visit -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/194316.htmlChapter 8: Nathan and Peter Have a Heart to Heart -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/194698.htmlChapter 9: Claire Works On the Puzzle -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/194852.htmlChapter 10: The Set Up -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/195284.htmlChapter 11: The Battle -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/195543.htmlChapter 12: Some Time Alone -
http://game-byrd.livejournal.com/195689.htmlChapter 13: Epilogue -