My activity lately

May 25, 2012 22:09

I’ve been posting, emailing, and commenting less recently. Some of you might be waiting on responses from me in various threads or emails. Don’t be shy about prodding me if I seem to have forgotten, because that’s very likely what has happened! This last Monday, I started a new job. It’s going to sharply decrease how much writing I get done, at least for a while as I work out the new pattern.

Pros: I think I’ll really enjoy what I’ll be doing; I like the people so far; I really like my boss; the work’s engaging; I’ll be working an hour and a half less a day than I was at my last job; I get paid more; the stress is hugely lower.

Cons: I can’t get to my email from work; the commute is a little more than 5 minutes longer than it used to be; I’m not a manager anymore (on the other hand, not being a manager = lower stress).

The email thing has proven surprisingly frustrating, given that if I want to write at work, I can still do that, upload to dropbox, and it will be waiting for me when I get home. There’s no workaround with gmail. It’s frustrating enough that I’ve considered splurging on a smartphone of some sort, just so I could check my email at lunch. Or maybe I could find a local hotspot, bring my laptop, and eat out for lunch each day? Or, you know, I could suck it up and do my work without the liberty of reading and responding to emails. I’m in email addiction withdrawal! But anyway, in the past, my response to emails and LJ posts was often lightning quick. It’s not now.

Overall, the job is a really good deal, but it not only cuts into the time I have available to write, but it also cuts into my energy. I think that will be a temporary thing. While I was employed at the last place, despite the hell at the workplace, I was usually good to write or think by the time I got home. It sounds nuts to me, but apparently I have become “out of shape” for sitting in an office all day and I’ve been adjusting this week. Every evening I’ve felt better - sleep patterns normalizing, bathroom cycle shifting, etc. I figure by next week I’ll be fine.

This weekend is not a whole lot better though for my online life. My uncle and cousin are still visiting from Alaska. They’re staying with my parents, which means I’m going to be spending a lot of time with them this weekend. Tomorrow my mom is going to show me how to make homemade egg noodles so we can have a big family gathering with old-style comfort food, and I bought a bunch of overripe peaches and local-grown blueberries today to make cobbler to go with the homemade ice cream they're going to fix. There’s something planned for Sunday, but I forget what and I hope it doesn’t interfere with the rewatch. (possibly merely recovering from the food ecstasy overdose of Saturday evening!) On Monday, my ex is supposed to have the kids (I have them Saturday, Sunday, and the rest of next week), but he’s having another of his irresponsibility meltdowns so who knows.

I love you guys - some of you more than others, but all of you some. Job and family come first. I’ll carve out some time this weekend to get caught up with my online stuff. I’ve tried to flag my unresolved notices, and I still have Hartsdale things to do that I promised to get done last Sunday. Please feel free to comment here on anything I’ve missed in correspondence or posts!

mundane stuff

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