Syko Timeline, rough draft

May 20, 2012 22:52

I'm tossing this out there so all you peeps who recently rewatched the shows (and anyone else with a phenomenal memory, or just an opinion), can poke holes in this. The timeline below represents my best guess of what canon is. I find it HIGHLY unrealistic and for my Syko stories I fully intend to expand it - probably to something like 2-4 weeks. But before I stray from canon, I want to be sure I understand what canon is. So here's the timeline. Please nitpick!

Syko Timeline

2007, after May. Episodes: Into Asylum, Turn and Face the Strange, 1961, I Am Sylar, and An Invisible Thread.

Day 1
  • Claire and Nathan flee to Mexico. They stay one night and leave in the morning.
  • Sylar approaches Danko and asks if he got the gifts (bunny and Doyle). He proposes working together to find James Martin.
  • Danko announces that James Martin is enemy #1 and that they need a win. Noah suggests Sylar; Danko orders him after Angela.
  • Peter and his mother seek refuge on holy ground. Noah fails to bring them in. They stay overnight.
  • (Evening) Sylar walks into James Martin’s home to find Danko waiting for him. They search the place, then decide to go clubbing to find him.
  • (Evening) At the “Garden of Eden”, they find Martin/Danko. They catch him. Sylar takes his power.

Day 2
  • (Morning) Peter and Angela leave the church.
  • (Morning) Sylar’s “body” (that of Martin) is found. Sylar/female forensics expert officiates.
  • I would suppose Sylar begins working as Agent Donner, because Noah later says Donner’s team (team 6) has racked up an impressive record recently. They say that on day 4, which isn’t much on time to have racked up any record unless these teams operate really fast.
  • Noah examines the dead Sylar/Martin body. Sandra talks to him while Sylar stands by disguised as Danko.
  • After Noah leaves, Sylar finds Danko in the bathroom and makes small talk.
  • Angela calls Noah to invite him to Coyote Sands. He declines and tells her he doesn’t think Sylar is dead. She tells him to leave it alone. He goes to check the body, finds it already sent for cremation and chases after it.
  • Angela and Peter leave for Coyote Sands. While they could conceivably fly there, they arrive in a vehicle. Assuming they drive the entire way, they’ll show up on the evening of day 4 (30 hour nonstop drive, assume 2 days).
  • Matt goes after Danko and finds Alena. This takes an afternoon.
  • Noah finds the body in the crematorium and pulls out the spike. He orders a DNA test
  • (Evening) Disguised as Sandra, Sylar visits Noah in his hotel room and serves him with divorce papers. It seems to be evening.

Day 3
  • Noah sits in building 26 and realizes Sandra’s signature isn’t authentic. This seems to be the next day.
  • (Evening) Noah waits for Sandra outside her hotel room, then jumps her and puts a gun to her head. It would seem to be evening.
  • (Evening) Danko is in his apartment with Matt and Alena show up. Matt is spirited away by Hiro and Alena stomps out, leaving Jakob/Danko.

Day 4
  • Noah walks into Danko’s office and confronts him about working with Sylar. They go together to a team where Noah shoots Sylar/Donner and is framed for Donner’s murder. Noah flees. To arrive at Coyote Sands when shown in canon, he will have to drive nonstop, which seems reasonable.
  • Danko has Sylar adopt the identity of Agent Taub.

Day 5
  • Sylar wakes as Taub and has an extra tooth. Later that day he meets Danko in a park, saying Taub is a nobody. He reluctantly takes his form again and carves ‘Sylar’ into his arm.
  • Sylar kills Tom Miller.
  • Sylar shows up in Danko’s office in tears about his identity problems.
  • (Evening) Peter, Angela, Nathan, Claire, Noah and Mohinder arrive at Coyote Sands.
  • (Evening) A police officer arrives at Taub’s apartment with a box of stuff from Virginia’s murder. Sylar takes it and starts a shift/convo with Virginia.
  • (Evening) Danko arrives at Taub’s door, interrupting Sylar’s shift/convo, and tells him they’ve found Rebel and need Taub now.
  • (Night) They close on Rebel. It is night.

Day 6
  • (Morning) Micah awakens to find Sylar having another shift/convo. Sylar runs him off.
  • Sylar visits Nathan’s office. Has another shift/convo with Virginia.
  • Sylar/Nathan gives the newscast interview.
  • Matt gets to California and decides to return to Washington DC. Assuming he uses his ability to arrange immediately plane travel and minimize security, he’ll be wherever he wants to be in six hours. However, we later see him exiting a bus. It’s a 40 hour drive, nonstop. Let’s assume he just took the bus from the airport.
  • (Evening) Peter, Angela, Nathan, Claire, and Noah see the newscast in the Coyote Sands diner. Peter and Nathan fly off to stop Sylar. This strands three people, unable to fly, a 30 hour drive from DC.
  • (Night) Angela, Noah, and Claire drive off through the night, dodging Homeland Security roadblocks along the way, and hiking cross-country in heels, in the dark.
  • (Evening) Nathan shows up in his office. Sylar is there to confront him. Danko shows up moments later and knocks Nathan out.
  • (Evening) Danko stabs Sylar in the head. Sylar frames Danko.

Day 7
  • The events of the Stanton hotel have to happen a day after Nathan confronts Sylar in his office. There’s no other way for Angela, Noah, and Claire to get from Coyote Sands to DC (and even then, serious badassery would have to be used to get them there this fast). This lends a lot more credibility to Sylar accusing Nathan of being a lightweight and being perplexed about why he’s still unconscious. It provides no explanation for why it took an entire day for Peter to figure out Nathan might have gone to his office. Also, it doesn’t explain what Sylar did all that time, as it would have been stupid to have left Nathan’s body’s side.

syko, !fandom: heroes

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