Title: Click
Characters: Peter, Sylar
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Words: 400
Setting: The Wall
Notes:Peter and Sylar are sitting on a park bench. An idle discussion about parks leads to pigeons and then to birds in general, flocking habits and finally to mate selection. Also, I am experimenting with using pure dialogue, as much as possible. Let me know
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What I think I've liked seeing (or learning) most is how mister freedom and choice Peter Petrelli is surprisingly...unchoosy? Rather he thinks choice doesn't factor in to grief, being gay, having kids, mate-selection and love You'll see this as part of a pattern though. Peter *reacts*. Over and over in the show, he's reacting to what others have done or are doing. Sylar acts; Peter reacts. If Peter thought there was a lot of benefit to thinking things over, to choosing between one option and another, then he'd be a planner and an actor. Since he doesn't plan, he doesn't think things through, he acts from the gut instead of making reasoned decisions ... it's not that he doesn't believe in letting people choose, he just thinks that most things are already chosen for them. Orientation, love, abilities ... no one ever asked Peter if he wanted the ability he had. And once he had it, he had no ( ... )
If I'd been exploring/portraying character thoughts, then Sylar would have had totally had some thoughts about that!
I like Sylar having to stop and think about having...too much..."love imperative" (we'll call it!) and desiring to turn it off. This really makes me wonder how fast your/this Sylar falls in love as I see his "love imperative" already being 'turned off'.
I was thinking Sylar was taking that as a possible admission that Peter had feelings for him and wished he didn't. Which is true. At this point I think Sylar has feelings for Peter, but he wouldn't admit them and won't/can't even identify them in himself. They're all covered up with six feet of rationalizations. He thinks he can't be love, can't even feel love. He thinks he's just bored, horny, looking for advantage, looking to amuse himself, wants to tie Peter to him by getting Peter to want him, etc.
This analogy...is so hilarious and so sweet, I'll try to explain: If I were Sylar I'd be wondering ( ... )
I am a bit fuzzy here because I didn't get the connection: Sylar is like his clocks, complex yet miraculous and special even if you know why it 'ticks', so Sylar is special? That's how he gets to that conclusion?Peter is saying that even after you strip all the mystery away from something, it can still be fascinating, intriguing and special. If you know how the human body works, it doesn't make it any less lovely to look on. Sylar knows clocks inside and out, yet they're still endlessly interesting to him. Peter's saying that love, people, life - they don't lose their specialness just because they're understood or become predictable. A discovered country is just as beloved (by Peter) as virgin territory ( ... )
Wow, I'm going to be confused about that now!
I agree there would have been a little hand-talk there with the frog 'grabbing on'.
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