Heroes Rewatch Comment Thread!

Feb 19, 2012 11:42

Heroes rewatch right here, this thread, at 6 pm Central time, but you're welcome to join in any time! The week's episode is the season 3 ep, "Dual". Heroes Wiki gives this summary of it:
  • Peter and Nathan clash.
  • Sylar holds Noah, Claire, Angela, Meredith and others hostage at Primatech.
  • Ando, Daphne, and Matt figure out how to save Hiro.
  • Knox and Flint help Peter destroy the formula and Mohinder's research lab.
  • Tracy saves Nathan.
  • The formula solves Mohinder's problems.
  • The hunt for evolved humans begins.

So drop on by and let us know what you thought!

television shows, !fandom: heroes, rewatch

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